Please refer to your Owner's Manual for further instruction on Radio/Navigation system initiation. If you own a 2013 - 2014 Odyssey or Pilot, they do not require a Radio/Navigation code for system initiation.Please be aware of the following when you first look for your Serial Number: There are a couple ways to find the Serial Number of the Device you Want to Unlock. If the 17-digit VIN number is not working properly please check to make sure that the numbers and letters have not been accidentally inverted and you have not used the letter O in place of the number 0. Please Note: Valid VIN numbers use the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9, expect for the letters I, O, and Q. On new owner surveys or customer satisfaction surveys sent by American Honda Motor Co., Inc.On your Honda Financial Services statement.

If your battery died or disconnected you'll need your Honda's radio or navigation code to unlock and set it back up.